Join the party!
Welcome to the virtual 40th birthday party for Joan Concilio, a.k.a. PinkPengin! The festivities will take place via Zoom from 8 to 10 a.m. and again from 8 to 10 p.m. Arizona time on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022. You should not need to download Zoom or have an account to participate; you can click the “Join from browser” link to bypass all that.
Big, important note: I do not want this to feel bad for anyone! You do not have to join with video OR audio if you don’t want. You can just use Zoom’s live chat feature to type at me, and watch me talk with my hands and make silly faces and all the other things I generally do on Zoom.
Also, please sign my party guestbook! You can just leave your name/username, or also choose to leave me a message I can print out and put in my scrapbook!
Party game: Guess how many of Joan’s birthday cards will contain a penguin!
I’ve gotten a LOT of birthday cards from around the world that I’ll be opening as part of our Zoom adventure.
And people sort of know I like penguins, or as we say, pengins.
So how many of the cards in my big pile will contain at least one penguin image?
The guesser who is closest to the actual flipper value without going over will receive their very own penguin-themed surprise in the mail from me (if they’re willing to provide an address, of course).
(As a tiebreaker, I’m also asking you for a guess on total number of cards.)
Submit your guess via this form!
No gifts necessary!
Exactly like the headline says: No gifts necessary! Your love and support for me all year round are the best possible present I could get. But if you’d like to make my milestone birthday extra-special, you could consider a donation to my fundraiser for Pengins for Everyone, our family’s 501(c)(3) stuffed-penguin-giving nonprofit.
You can also buy stuff you’re ALREADY buying on Amazon via Amazon Smile, with Pengins for Everyone selected as your charity. When you do this, you don’t pay anything different and Amazon gives us a small percentage of the value of your transaction!
Support Pengins for Everyone on Amazon Smile!
Also, I really, really do not need any sort of present for myself, but if you are someone who just feels happier buying someone a gift rather than making donations, I do have a regular Amazon wishlist and one just for craft and card supplies.